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Spider Web

Updated: Feb 8, 2022

Spider web is to get all the people to work together.

Why Spider Web, this stands for all humankind, it adds meaning to the word if you know what I mean. We should all stand together and help one another and if you see someone looking a little down just give them a smile and ask what is wrong and if you can help with something. Is it really that bad to help or to give, God made us all, so how can we show other people that we just don't care about what happens to them, or say it's not our fault that they are where they are. I know we all say that even I DO.

But why don't we just help, I always get angry when people ask me for money, but it's not because I don't want them near me, it's because I know I don't have anything to give them.

So let's change that, let us just sit and think what we can do about this problem we have, and try to do something about it, not just say it but do it!!!!!!!

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